Wednesday, July 22, 2009

[Freedom] Here i am laying in bed mind wandering like a child learning to walk. My soul weakens everyday and slowly i'm losing myself into a vast mirage of vanity. I've come to at least one decison. A decison that will affect my life forever. I have to get out of debt. I've decided that the only way i'll be able to undepress my self is to set myself free of my debt. Its my own damn fault its as bad as what it is. I had the chance to pay everything off but didnt. I was childish and i'm ready to put the past away. I hope that the future is nicer than my past and if there are any suggestions please let me know. Its needed bad. I'd feel like a newly emerged butterfly who is spreading out my wings to fly. Until i can fly then i'll stay in an cacoon. M.Milly

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