Monday, January 4, 2010

Here We Go

This is the day I'm glad no one reads these blogs. It makes me feel a lot more safe that no one is reading this and that this is more like a journal than a blog. Someday you never know someone may happen to fall upon my blog and start reading it. Who knows. I hope that the future for 2010 is one that is prosperous and happy. I've made a few different resolutions for 2010 and I hope that I can live up to them. One of them, which is a common one for everyone, is to lose weight. I've sort of let myself go the past couple years and have a feeling that if I don't become healthier and leaner that something bad will happen. Another is to become more financially stable. Bill and I have decided at some point we're going to move to Ft. Wayne. We've actually be offered a 4 bedroom house for about $500.00 a month not including utilities. I think that if we were to move down there that there would be better job opportunities than in this small town where every job position has been filled for years. I really hope that we can get this house in Ft. Wayne. It would be a much better deal than living in this apartment. We pay 480 a month for a one bedroom apartment, when we could be paying 500 for a 4 bedroom house! It's almost ridiculous that this place charges so much for living. If we can't get a house I have a feeling we'll look for an apartment that will let us rent with our credit. We'll figure something out. But until then I must try to sleep..

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