Friday, December 11, 2009

Alright so where should I begin. I've lost no weight and we're broke, again...I guess that happens? I really hate everything right now. I feel like a complete failure in life. When I was younger my parents never taught us how to save money so whenever I get some it is gone. I really need to get a budget around and stick to it. I also need my husband to help me along the way instead of screaming at me everytime I screw up. I guess I'll figure it out somehow and at some point. Now the weight thing...I think I haven't been able to lose weight because I have been so stressed. I have to do something, I've gotten so big I don't fit in half my clothes. It's sad when you're the big one in your family and everyone looks at you like you're a retard. I donno anymore. Giving up seems like the better of ideas right now :-c I'm going to get going...I'll figure something out soon, I hope.

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