Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Challenge

Alright so the last two actually blogs that I've written have been me really depressed because of an argument my husband and I have gotten into. Well, he gave me a challenge that I am going to stick to and no matter what keep going. I will not let this relationship fail. We've gotten this far we can go farther. We will make it and we'll both be happy in the end. I refuse to let go.

Music of Life

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This is a play list that I put together to listen to when I get down a little, this kind of music usually picks me up. hopefully everyone loves it =-]

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'm on a clift of darkness about ready to plunge into the deep of blood and poison. I leave it up to fate, his mind is made up. I can not pursuade him any farther. What is left of me aches with tears and sorrow. There is nothing left for me and no where to go.

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Over

So today was the day that ended it all. He told me he was done, or at least he did in so many terms. I thought everything was going well, and I thought everthing would be okay. I wanted to live and create a family with him. I want to give him everything. There is nothing I can do or say to stop life has ended, my joy has become nothing...I have become an emotionless monster to him and to those around me.
Alright so where should I begin. I've lost no weight and we're broke, again...I guess that happens? I really hate everything right now. I feel like a complete failure in life. When I was younger my parents never taught us how to save money so whenever I get some it is gone. I really need to get a budget around and stick to it. I also need my husband to help me along the way instead of screaming at me everytime I screw up. I guess I'll figure it out somehow and at some point. Now the weight thing...I think I haven't been able to lose weight because I have been so stressed. I have to do something, I've gotten so big I don't fit in half my clothes. It's sad when you're the big one in your family and everyone looks at you like you're a retard. I donno anymore. Giving up seems like the better of ideas right now :-c I'm going to get going...I'll figure something out soon, I hope.