Saturday, October 24, 2009

Eyes Of Chocolate

Tears flow swift from my eyes of chocolate, flowing long and fast, The inner battle I fight is winning and I begin to crumble.

I try to battle my sorrow and hurt, but the pain is too great. They devour my escence and eat away my soul.

This pain must cease before I let it conquer all of me. I must create a wall and fight the tears from the pain.

The flesh wound bleeds, the hurt makes me cry, but there is nothing left of me nor for me.

Their hate consumes my burning fire, and i'm eaten by the cannibles I call friends.

They know not the feelings I've felt, the pain the sorrow the saddness, not even death could express what I've felt.

I must stay strong and hide the emotion before all of it is gone and I'm a drone in societies world.

They know not what they do to us and they know what we are. We are the puppets and they are our masters.

Devoured by fears we drown in our tears and create a world of mirrors.

Someday you'll understand when you're where I am today with tears flowing swiftly from my eyes of chocolate.

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