Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Right now I am sitting at work, we're super slow so I am writing something in here. Everything is going awesome I couldn't ask for a better life:)
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life today

A little this and a little of that keeps the crazy lady up to bat...she is sane but really a pain she makes the men laugh. I know her smile she hides it well just to keep to herself to enjoy her sane insanity in bliss.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Quick Fix

Alright sooooooooooo Everything has been turned into a bit of disarray. I found out that my friends weren't ignoring me I just wasn't receiving nor able to send text messages that night. After that night everything just fell into place. The divorce is filed and everything is ready. Bill and I are friends and are able to still converse without problem, which is awesome. I'm just glad to finally be able to move on. Speaking of....I've found someone. His name is Travis. He is amazing! But thats the way all relationships start out you find the person absolutely perfect in every way and soon after things start to fall apart which is what I'm worried about. He really is awesome I like him a lot...we also have a lot in common and a lot we don't have in common too which balances us so well. I just hope that this relationship isnt me trying to move on quicker. I've already told him that I wanted to move super slow with him just for the reason of being hurt so badly before. He completely understands and is going slow just for me =-] Everything is falling into place and it makes me happy to finally be happy again!
