Saturday, August 14, 2010

One of those days

So this weekend was going sooooooooo great, until today. Thursday I hung out with friends and watched an amazing meteor shower, Friday hung out with more friends and watched people skateboard on a freshly made mini ramp and today...well today I was suppose to go out with friends to celebrate another friends birthday...but now NONE of them will respond to my message or phone calls. This just pisses me off...I mean if you don't want to talk to me TELL me don't fucking ignore me. We're not in high school anymore people. Not one of them are responding....I don't get ex husband leaves for his Annual training and people talk to me but the DAY he gets back they REFUSE to talk to me or text me or call me? What the fuck? I don't get it and I don't like .

Monday, August 2, 2010

(Realization)What am I doing? Why am I allowing myself to fail so easily? I must stay strong and fix my mistakes...I can not let him win