Friday, March 26, 2010

fleeting thought

I’ve jumped into the fiasco of the life of dating. Here we go from the beginning and there is no where left to go. Understanding is the key but isn’t important to me, all you need is love and understanding will follow. If there was more to life than this, I hope that I’m shown it soon because I’ve fallen again and again and can’t stand on my own. I need someone’s hand to pull me out of the sea and on to dry land and help me find the key. My life is a fiasco and here is where I begin, from the beginning again. I hope life ends up better than where it’s taken me, for I know that the future has the understanding which is the key…

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I am twenty two years old. Whenever I come on here and write something I feel like I have a bit more courage, though in actuality I'm just hiding behind this thing more and more. I did this as a child too. Writing as always been a niche of mine and I always felt that I was going to be something someday because of my writing. Well here I am, twenty two years old and going to school for Culinary Arts. I feel that everything I once thought I was has been washed away and I have been left here to start over. The serious question is, where do I start?

The perfect answer to this is this : from the beginning. Where is the beginning for me? I know that my adventures are just starting and that there is only so much time left in my life to figure it out. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what happens I am going to find myself, lose weight, and become someone totally different. In a nutshell I am, kind, caring and a push over. I can't be that anymore. I have to learn to speak my mind and become a stronger human being. I know I've made these promises before on here but with my husband leaving me I've come to realize that I have no idea how to date. I have no idea where to start or how to start over. So this is how I am going to do it.

Everyday I am going to come on here and write something. I think I am making this more of a journal than anything else. It's not like I have any followers or anything. I am going to write about my days from here on just to keep myself busy during the following months of the divorce. This blog is going to keep me sane and on my feet...well sort of.

The promises I make in this blog are going to be sort of set in stone. One of those things where if you don't do something you know that something terrible is going to happen just because you promised it and didn't do it. Here are my promises: I AM going to lose weight, I want to get down to at least 125...that's almost 80 lbs. or something close to it, I haven't set food on a scale in I don't know how long. I AM going to graduate college for Culinary Arts. I AM going to become successful. The last promises but now least is this, I AM going to find who I really am.

Now that all of those are out of the way, here is where I am going to begin. Today was just another day at work. I worked a split shift meaning I work from 11-3 then go back in at 5 and get off at 8. Seems like the perfect job for some, but when it makes you no real money then you're in a bit of a bind. I suppose that I'll figure something out I always do.

Well, enough of all this for now. It's almost midnight and I need to go to sleep. I work open to close tomorrow and open to close on Saturday. Man what a weekend this is going to be!!!

=Night all=

Friday, March 19, 2010

The here and now is simply todays sort of thing. Everyone expects everything to be here and they want it right now. The word wait isn't in anyones vocabluary anymore and people don't know how to just stop and listen to the birds. I'm one of those people I'll admit it, but I am trying to slow down and take it easy. Though it is far more difficult than it looks. When you try to bring your stress level down to a 0 from being at a 10 it is almost impossible until you realize you're sick and tired. I just hope I hit that point soon and come back to a place of happiness once again.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's two am. Man what a hour. I hate this all. I want it over with. I am sick of him feeling pitty for me like this. Its terrible especially when I don't want his pity. I want his friendship. What can I do?