Friday, August 21, 2009

Alright' so i haven't posted in a few weeks and I feel like someone somewhere gets on here once a day and reads something and is now sad that I haven't written another blog in a while. There hasnt been a lot going on and yeah its going to be an interesting weekend but whatever. I start classes Monday and I am totally excited, I have finally decided that I'm going to study Hospitality with a focus in Event Management. It is truly exciting that I have finally figured out things that are goong on and that I don't and wont have to worry about anything anymore. I just hope everything falls into plan soon with everything else. Goodnight!

Friday, August 7, 2009

I'm so tired but can't sleep at all. I think its because of my dream last night. I can't really remember it at all but i do remember my subconcious brain waking me from a dead sleep. I couldn't sleep for hours after that. I really should go to bed its my brother's graduation party tomorow so there's a lot going on. If i remember my dream at all i'll post it later

Thursday, August 6, 2009

With a promotion in sight i feel more trapped than ever. Mason informed me today that the company is making a new position that is going to be mine. I know inside I want it but at the same time I am going to kick myself in the ass if I take it. I start college in a few weeks. There is no way i'm going to have time to give the resturant 100% of me. I think I am going to change my major again though. I'm hoping to go into the hospitality program with am focus of management. This way i can learn as I go. I still need to talk it over with Bill but all will work out in the end.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Difference between Fiction and Friction

Unable to decide exactly how to explain the title of my blog I'm going to start from the beginning and sound like a high school girl with drama in her life. I had this friend and she had asked me to be her Matron of Honor and I gladly accepted. Today she informed me that not only did she not want me to be her Matron of Honor anymore she didn't want me to be a brides made at all! How utterly rude! It was a slap in the face. I felt like I had been kicked to a curb like I was nothing. She has no idea how my life has been going in the first place because she hasn't been here for me like a friend is suppose to. So in the end I told her that I didn't mind being in the wedding. I told her that I would probably not be able to even make it to the wedding anyways since she lives hours away.

On a different note, I finally got a text message from my husband. If this is the first blog you've read of mine, my husband left yesterday for two weeks for training. He tried calling me but I was in the bathroom and didn't hear the phone ring :-( I was very upset that I missed the phone call but he did say he'd try and call again tomorrow evening.

One week from Monday I leave for TN with my Girls. It's going to be interesting and I'm hoping that I will be able to blog while I am gone. I'll be sure to try and post some pictures when I get back from TN.

Well from here I think that I should be off to bed. I have to work in the morning and I have TONS of laundry to do after I get off work. Goodnight!