Monday, March 14, 2011

e chance again and I let it all fall apart. Everything I do I screw up somehow and all I do is let myself fall.
I fall for the worst....I fall for the best yet alone I sit upon my rock alone, forever set in stone. I loved once and lost because I was foolish. Now I have th

Friday, January 14, 2011

A New Year and New Beginnings

I love to look back on my old writings and see where I was back at that specific point in time. Then I look at life right now and I couldn't ask for anything better. As hard as it seems for me to believe, especially after a divorce last year, I've fallen in love. Travis is amazing. He is so perfect for me in every way. I fit perfectly into his arms and his kisses make me fall apart. I love it.

I am unable to write everything that I want to, but when I am able more will come. =-] life is nothing short of excitement and joy now =-] Until I write again, Adieu!


Monday, December 6, 2010

Today it snowed...well it started snowing December 1...its so pretty...yet I feel so alone. I am surrounded by amazing people, friends, family and lovers, yet thats not enough. Christmas doesnt mean the same since Bill and I...but what can I do? He and I are offically divorced, as of October 20th, but we are still friends. What can I do? Travis is amazing and I bet he'll change my outlook on this season...

Friday, October 1, 2010


Everything is a little scewed today. Autumn is in full effect and I am ready for it. I love this season it makes me happy. All the beautiful colors and the warm scents it is amazing...everything this year is turning out perfect
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Right now I am sitting at work, we're super slow so I am writing something in here. Everything is going awesome I couldn't ask for a better life:)
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life today

A little this and a little of that keeps the crazy lady up to bat...she is sane but really a pain she makes the men laugh. I know her smile she hides it well just to keep to herself to enjoy her sane insanity in bliss.
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